Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Yo-Yo Poem

I personally love reading poetry. While I was casually reading over some poetry I found this intristing poem written by Donna Golden. I love the way it was written, it was written in such a simplistic way yet the poem was so indepth. I found it very intresting and I hope you do too.

Yo-Yo Poem

Lord I am a yo-yo
And you hold the string
When I am low
You pull me up again
Sometimes it seems
You don't pull hard
Cause I don't go up very far
Then I hang
Suspended in time
While the string
Slowly unwinds
One day I'll make it
To the top
Keep pulling LORD
Please don't' stop
Problems get in my way
The string gets a little knot
But with you in control LORD
The knot comes untied
Keep on pulling LORD
Help me to climb
This long and hard string of life
For when I've made it
To the top
I know I've made it to YOU!!!

Your humble servant
Donna Golden

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

           During the school year, Florida Christian College students are supposed to do fifteen Christian service hours a semester in order to pass.  At first I thought it would be more of a chore than anything else, due to the fact that my initial thought of these events was that it was mandatory to pass. I know that sounds bad but it’s true, that’s the first thing I thought when I first moved here. I felt this way until I actually started doing my fifteen services.  Though I personally think that Florida Christian College should not make Services mandatory, I do think it is a great learning experience, not just intellectually but also spiritually.

          When I first came to Florida Christian College, I came as a child who knew next to nothing about God. To be truthfully honest, I am still ignorant but I am more willing to learn now. When I go out and do my fifteen service hours, it is not just a chore, it is spiritual growth.  I remember at one point in BASIC (An Florida Christian College Organization that goes to Downtown Orlando and spreads Gods word to Homeless people.) I went to talk to this gentleman and speak to him about God, but surprisingly, it was him who was speaking about God to me. At that point I realized Christian Service isn’t the same as Community service. It’s so much more than that; it’s so much more than a chore. It’s a spiritual learning experience within yourself and the individual you are speaking with.  In my opinion, I believe this would be even more vivid if doing fifteen services wasn’t mandatory to pass. If it was just something we could do because we felt the calling or need to, then I personally believe the experience would be so much more. Christian Services should come from the heart or it is not a Christian services. If it doesn’t come from the heart it’s similar to just throwing your close in the drawer instead of taking time and folding them neatly.